Encanto, the animated musical with a Colombian set, would be the latest Disney production to embrace the theatrical window over Thanksgiving. The film has been directed by Jared Bush, Byron Howard, and Charise Castro Smith- and would be aiming towards hooking families with a five-day domestic start of around $35M – $40M, with a sum of $35M+ overseas as it debuts day and date in every single offshore territory except Australia, China, New Zealand, Philippines, and Vietnam. In the United States, the showtimes for the film would begin at 6 pm.
Encanto To Be Disney’s Thanksgiving Present This Year
Although quite a few production studios have been quite nervous about how far the turnout would be for family-oriented movies, during the pandemic, the massive launch of Ghostbusters: Afterlife, has definitely eased their fears with a $44M start. The sequel- directed by Jason Reitman- seems to be doing pretty well in its second weekend- as it would look towards an estimated $30M-$35M over the next five days- as it gets armed with the power of Imax auditoriums. Encanto would also look towards capturing that audience.
Encanto would be the second animated wide release to get an exclusive theatrical window for this year- along with Ron’s Gone Wrong- a 20th Century Studios’ production. Some of the previous features included toons including The Boss Baby: Family Business- from Universal, as well as Paramount’s PAW Patrol- along with the live-action mix Tom & Jerry.
The latest entrant, Encanto, would come four years after the previous Thanksgiving Oscar-winning animated musical Coco. The film is about a young-female Mirabel, who lives in a mansion with a familia- who all have magical talents- except her. The movie would showcase her struggles to fit in and would be accentuated with a soundtrack that has been written by Lin Manuel Miranda.