Millions of Americans were aided by 3 rounds of stimulus check payments during the epidemic, but up to 10 million recipients could still be waiting for their funds, based on a recent government study.
The GAO said on Tuesday that 165 mn American taxpayers were qualified again for stimulus check payouts, which included $931 bn in direct payouts. The IRS used tax records to make eligibility determinations and provide payouts to people and their households, mailing the stimulus check to personal address of the individuals or bank accounts.
However, millions of American taxpayers, including some people with extremely low incomes and certain elderly who solely get Social Security payments, are exempt from the tax filing requirement. They may have not received all of their payouts because the IRS found it challenging to contact them while it was handing out stimulus check payouts, according to the GAO.
For 10 Million Taxpayers, Stimulus Check Is Coming Out:
The Government accountability office revealed that during the epidemic, the treasury and IRS has struggled to get the relief stimulus check payments into the hands of some of the needy taxpayers of the country. This list of needy included homeless people, people with limited internet access or lower-incomes.
More than 9 million people who may be entitled for benefits like relief check payments or tax credits for children but failed to claim it by completing a 2021 federal return will get letters, the IRS announced Thursday. It stated that its Free File offer will remain active till 17th November.
With Free File, individuals having earnings of $73k or less can use 3rd-party tax accountants like TaxAct or 1040Now to submit their returns online for zero cost.
The article observed that there is some great news: those who failed out again on receiving their stimulus check payments still have chance to do so.