With Ron Johnson largely thought to be the most dangerous GOP senior senator running for reelection in November, the Democratic is attempting to reverse his recent decline in the polls.
In a discussion on Friday, Democratic Rep. Mandela Barnes and Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin squared off over issues including abortion, crime, and hyperinflation. Barnes attacked Ron Johnson aggressively in an effort to stem Johnson’s momentum following a barrage of attack commercials.
Barnes criticised Ron Johnson for heretofore calling State Pensions a “Ponzi scheme,” continuing to call his stance on abortion “extreme,” and criticising his aide’s connections to a fake electoral votes scheme as culminating in “a whole-day attack on the capital building.” Barnes has fallen behind Ron Johnson for most polling data in over the last week as Republican politicians have attacked the Democrat with tv ads accusing him of being soft on crime.
In an effort to portray Barnes as being overly liberal, Ron Johnson said that Barnes is in favour of “allowing abortion up to the point of delivery,” is “against properly supporting police funding,” and “authored the measure to remove cash bail.”
Barnes Taking On Current Wisconsin Sen Ron Johnson On Debate:
The triumph of Johnson, who is largely regarded to be the most endangered Republican candidate senator up for reelection in Nov, will be crucial to the Gop’ chances of taking back the Senate. Although polling averages now have him up by 2 to three percent in Wisconsin, his race is still close despite his latest reversal in election polls.
Ron Johnson noted that he supported to declare the election results for Biden, making the claim a “non-issue,” and maintained his denial of any participation in a conspiracy involving a senior employee from the office to provide a phoney slate of voters to previous Vice President Pence on January 6th. Ron Johnson had intended to protest the certification of the electoral results, but he ultimately decided against it. The senator has already had trouble maintaining consistency in his account of what happened on January 6.