John Durham, the special counsel for the department of justice of the United States of America, made the issuance of a few subpeonas. And that also includes one of the law firms that is closely tied to the campaign of Hillary Clinton for the year 2016. What this indicates is the fact that the 71-year-old special counsel may be going after a larger criminal case. It is to be noted that the probe of John Durham has been going on for a total of two years,
John Durham’s Case
Until now, nothing has been brought to the forefront by the probe of the special counsel with regard to the Russian investigation of the FBI. And this fact is quite disappointing to the members of the Republican Party. The subpoenas for certain documents were ordered in the month of September. This took place following the incident where John Durham charged a campaign lawyer of Hillary Cliton, the former secretary of state of the country. He claimed that the said lawyer, Michael Sussman, had lied to the FBI concerning the meeting that took place in the year 2016, in September.
In that meeting, the lawyers transferred some data, making the case that there were some links between the organization of Donald Trump, the former President of the country, and the Alfa bank of Russia. And that is what kicked off the investigation into the interference of Russia with regard to the 2016 Presidential elections by the FBI. However, after so much work, there was nothing found by them in the matter. There are chances that the new subpoenas of John Durham can lead to a legal battle. This is because it involves some privileged information and there are chances that some facts about the Clinton campaign may come to the forefront.