Rick Scott Has Floated The 25th Amendment


The chairman of the Senate GOP campaign arm, Senator Rick Scott, has recently raised the prospect of using the 25th Amendment which would remove the President from Office while pulling in a congressional investigation into his handling of the war-torn country. He further tweeted on Monday, stating that after the disastrous turn of events in Afghanistan, one needed to confront a very serious question- is the President still able to discharge the duties that belie his office, or is it time to enforce the 25th amendment? 

Rick Scott Thinks Joe Biden Should Be Removed

It can be ascertained that the very idea of removing the President from office through the 25th Amendment is a very bad idea. This allows the vice president as well as a Cabinet majority, or any group chosen by Congress to remove the POTUS by declaring him not fit for office.

This definitely marks the latest attempt by the former President, as well as his lackeys like Senator Rick Scott, of raising questions about the mental fitness of Joe Biden. Quite a few Republicans have already warned the rest that the continuous barrage of personal tracks against the President can backfire heavily. 

Rick Scott is officially the first senator in the GOP to float the idea of removing Joe Biden from the Oval Office by pushing for the 25th Amendment over his handling of the country. Yet, Rep. Ronny Jackson, who has also gone down a similar path previously, stated that something must be done with the President’s attempt of appeasing the Afghanis. While the Republicans have always launched a fiercer attack against criticism against Joe Biden for his handling of the middle eastern crisis. 

Rick Scott is the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee- which puts him in charge of the strategy for the next Senate GOP where he would look for a way to regain the majority during the midterm elections that will take place the next year. In addition to this hateful tweet, Scott has also been calling for the leadership in the House as well as the Senate to start a bicameral investigation into the POTUS’s handling of the Afghanistan crisis.