US Senator Ron Johnson has claimed that mouthwash was one of the ways to shield from COVID-19. Medical experts and the manufacturers of Listerine have claimed that it is not a confirmed antidote.
At an event this Wednesday, Ron Johnson claimed that a normal gargle with mouthwash is a proven killer of the coronavirus. At the least, it can reduce the replication of the virus and shield from a severe spike in COVID-19 cases.
Ron Johnson advises the people present to try several things including mouthwash gargle, vitamin C, vitamin D, and Zinc. He suggested that it was an alternative to face masks and COVID vaccines.
Ron Johnson also stated to Journal Sentinel in which he clarified that he had not suggested that the mouthwash or vitamins were a substitute for the vaccine.
Ron Johnson Suggested That Even Dr. Anthony Fauci Has Recommended The Substitutes He Has Suggested
Johnson said that he had not suggested that using mouthwash or taking vitamins were substitutes for the COVID-19 vaccine. He said that he had suggested that multiple studies have proved that mouthwash can help reduce the viral load in mouths.
Johnson said that even Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser to the President had recommended Vitamin supplements. He said that the opposition to everything that could help diminish the severity of the vital symptoms was surprising.
Ron Johnson has promoted unproven remedies in the past for the Coronavirus. He has also expressed his doubts about the remedies that have been found proven against the virus. While there have been studies to study the efficacy of the supplements suggested by Johnson, there has been no evidence to suggest that Listerine could prove to be an effective guard against the virus.
Johnson & Johnson, makers of Listerine said that while there are several ongoing independent trials to assess the effectiveness of Listerine, there has been no evidence to prove that it is effective against the COVID-19 virus.