Thursday saw the President of the country, Joe Biden, honoring Veterans Day at the Arlington National Cemetery- where he paid homage to the fallen. He also went around and placed a wreath around the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. In his speech, Biden stated that serving the nation was a badge of courage that would unite every one of all ages- irrespective of their background- for a veteran would have survived and endured challenges that a large section of the population would never know.
Veterans Day At Arlington Cemetery
Joe Biden further stated that those who served their country had come through the trials and the tests, all the while braving dangers and deprivations- as they constantly faced down the tragedies of war and death.
It goes to show that Biden was leaving no stone unturned to honor the soldiers on Veterans Day, as he mentioned that the soldiers had done it simply for their country- to serve and defend values that made this country what it was. He also emphasized the values that a soldier fought for-one that led future generations to build a more perfect union.
Therefore, on this Veterans Day, Biden asked everyone to honor the debt that the soldiers placed on the population- while committing themselves to honor and taking care of the nation from the inside- while the armies protected its borders outside. This is when Biden turned towards a more personal side of the story- talking about his late son, Beau, who had been deployed to Iraq. He told the audience that this day was really personal for the entire Biden family.
The Veterans Day also saw Joe Biden honoring three veterans who had died in the last couple of weeks- General Colin Powell, General Ray Odierno, and Senator Max Cleland- while stating that these three individuals were one to inspire generation after generation of Americans to come up and defend their country.