Listing your house for sale is one of the most prominent income-generating activities you could ever make. Many people say selling your pre-loved home or building a house for sale is good karma. It brings you luck for the rest of your life. Of course, not all have and own a home. That’s why having a shelter you can call your own is one of the top dreams and priorities of any person.
Hence, these people look for a beautiful home to buy for themselves. And what they have been eyeing all the time is when a particular house is formerly owned by someone who put his heart and soul in developing and taking care of the said pre-loved home. These buyers feel like houses like this bring good luck and charm to them because these houses have been previously taken cared of very well.
Thus, if you want to spread good karma to your future purchasers and earn more from house-selling, listed below are the easy ways to prepare for your next home sale.
Calculate Your Net Proceeds
Calculating net proceeds is the most significant thing you should consider before entering into the business of home-selling because it’s the main factor why you would want to sell your house to begin with. However, sellers make the common mistake of considering the real property’s purchase price as their net proceeds.
Contrary to what they think; the purchase price is not the actual money these sellers make. Net proceeds are what you call the real cash you get from selling your house. And to compute this, you must consider all your transaction fees, renovation fees, the amount you pay your real estate agent, and the like. You need to sum these up and incorporate them into your target purchase price to gain the desired profits.
Further, you cannot only put a price on your house and sell it. Doing so is a disaster. Worse, you might get into a lot of debt. Thus, before naming a price, consider all your expenses to calculate your net proceeds appropriately.
Put All Documents In Order
This is a rather demanding thing to do. But once you accomplish this, your life will be more comfortable, and your home sale will be more swift. Putting all documents in order means that you need to gather and compile all your house’s records, which include but are not limited to the following: land surveys, tax and utility bills, house mortgage contract if there’s one, past renovation permits, home warranty documentation, and the like.
This will expedite your house’s sale since buyers will think that you’re that transparent about the house and that it won’t jeopardize them and their money.
Depersonalize Your Abode
Indeed, letting go of your house is quite painful. It’s where a lot of your memories are built. But remember, your home will be a room for new beautiful memories. And practically speaking, buyers won’t appreciate a house whose former owner’s personality has not been divested from it.
Thus, you need to depersonalize your abode. Make it look impersonal and neutral. You must provide and present your buyers with a clean environment free from any memory of you or your family. Pack up your photographs, family portraits, interior decorations, and other ornaments that might distract prospective buyers from purchasing your house.
Lastly, depersonalizing your home makes it easier for your purchasers to imagine what kind of house they want to live in. It will provide them more room for creativity and a sense of real ownership.
Make Some Repairs
Who would want to live in a place that is not conducive to convenience and comfort? A house is a place where one feels safe and homely. And if the said house has so many defects, potential buyers would typically back out. In the ordinary course of the real estate business, repairs can make or break a sale.
Therefore, you need to address your house’s major or minor defects before presenting it to the market. Replace defective doorknobs. Fix leaky faucets and doors that no longer work. Remove cracked tiles and replace them with new ones. Also, take your house’s lighting to a whole new level. And repaint your walls to give your house a fresher look. Consequently, doing all these will facilitate the sale of your home.
Hire a Real Estate Agent
If you don’t have many connections in the business realm, you need to hire a real estate agent weeks before the selling period of your house. Real estate agents are trained for doing marketing research for a particular product. They know where, when, and how to sell an object.
Further, you hire a real estate agent so that you won’t have to go through the process alone. You pay your realtor to make sure that you get a buyer. And know that this won’t be a waste of money because you’ll end up spending more if you do it alone.
A house sale may be a tedious process and a painful thing to do because of all the things you need to prepare before selling it and your emotional attachment to the house. However, you will indeed thank yourself when you comply with all these because the income you generate from it is remarkable and very promising.