Several people of Uvalde, Texas, have spoken against Democratic nominee Beto O Rourke’s effort to interrupt Gov. Greg Abbott’s news conference on Wednesday. When Beto O Rourke, 49, interrupted the governor in an outburst of anger that Republicans and a few Democrats thought exceeded a line in the midst of a mass school shooting that killed 19 children and two instructors, he plainly took a political risk. He was speaking as both an indignant dad and a Texan, as well as Abbott’s Democratic opponent in the governor’s campaign.
Beto O Rourke Interrupted A Speech Last Week
When Beto O Rourke, a pro-gun control candidate for governor, went up to the podium and accused Abbott of “doing nothing” to prevent similar tragedies, Abbott had just completed speaking about mental health supports available for survivors and first responders of Tuesday’s tragedy. Some Uvalde locals chastised O’Rourke for seeking to make political points at a time when the community needed knowledge and comfort. Jones stated that Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin, a Republican, had requested that politics be avoided during the news conference. Several people who criticized O’Rourke’s behavior were also interviewed by HuffPost reporter Daniel Marans.
At the news conference was Cody Ytuarte, whose two cousins were murdered in the shooting and another was injured. “There’s a time and a place for things like that,” Ytuarte said to HuffPost. “To come in and act in that manner at a time when the tragedy is being handled so lately is sheer propaganda.” McLaughlin, who referred to Beto O Rourke as a “scumbag,” “That’s not the place and time to have that talk,” a sick son of a b—— told Fox News Thursday morning as the incident unfolded. That’s OK if he wants to have that conversation. But it was not the right time or place to do so at that conference today.”
McLaughlin admitted that the United States had a “gun issue” and urged that background checks be made more precise, but he also stated that the country’s mental health problems must be addressed.