Boeing to restart commercial airplane production in Seattle


Positive news emerges from Seattle as Boeing decides to restart its production of commercial airlines, which would employ around 27,000 employees. 

The company assured everyone claiming it has taken into consideration the health of its employees by promoting precautionary measures and providing protective equipment to everyone. 

The company’s operations start in a phased manner keeping in view all necessary safety measures. 

Stan Deal, President of Boeing Commercial Airlines told reporters, “This phased approach ensures we have a reliable supply base, our personal protective equipment is readily available and we have all of the necessary safety measures in place to resume essential work for our customers”.

Boeing reopens after shutting its operations down back on March 25 when some employees were tested positive for the Coronavirus. The company is even more determined to make a comeback as the reputation of Boeing dipped negative after its two deadly crashes last year. 

Both the aviation production facilities in Seattle will be operational but unfortunately, no such plans have been revealed for its South Carolina base. 
