American actor Bruce Willis recently went to Disneyland in Anaheim, California with his family. Emma Hemming Willis, his wife, had posted a video on her Instagram account of Bruce with one of his two daughters as they took a ride on Disneyland’s Splash Mountain. In her post, she wrote that her family will be back for more laughs and fun when Disney reopens the attraction. She also thanked Disney for all the fond memories her family made at the Splash Mountain attraction. The Splash Mountain ride permanently closed on May 31, as Disney aims to launch a new Princess and the Frog attraction in 2024.
In the video, Bruce Willis could be seen putting his arm around his daughter as he sat next to her on the ride, he used his other hand to guard her face, as he was heard saying, that she better watches out, as he thinks that they are going another round on the ride. As a netizen pointed out how Bruce Willis was guarding his daughter, stating Bruce of doing the dad safety belt, Emma Willis commented back writing always.
Retirement From Acting Of Bruce Willis Due To Rare Disease
In the March of 2022, Bruce Willis formally informed the world of his difficulty speaking and delivering dialogue due to aphasia as he was also diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia, which is a rare progressive brain disease that can challenge a person’s ability to communicate with others and bring changes in one’s behavior and physical movements. Willis took this retirement from his long and vibrant career in acting. Willis has been highly supported by his family ever since. Last week’s family trip to Disneyland only shows how the family is emotionally closely attached to the actor.