During Investor Day of Disney On Thursday, Pete Docter, CCO, Pixar announced that Chris Evans will be voicing the character of Buzz Lightyear in the animated film, Lightyear. Set to be released on 17th June 2022, the movie revolves around the story of Buzz Lightyear that inspired the four Toy Story movies from 1995-2019.
Chris Evans Head Over Heels For This New Role
Chris Evans posted on Twitter how grateful he is and that the movie is not about the toy but the human called Buzz Lightyear who inspired the toy. Evans also posted on Instagram sharing detailed information on the film and how amazing it is to be working for Pixar. He is a huge fan of Pixar movies and couldn’t contain his excitement when he heard of the news. He wanted to know how this character is different from Tim Allen’s character and why this movie is worth making.
Chris Evans also added how he just couldn’t stop smiling during the pitch and that everyone is supposed to be very excited about it. He asked his fans to trust him about the fact that Pixar knows what they’re doing and this movie not stepping on anything is going to be very special. Chris Evans cannot help but smile every moment while thinking about this movie.
Knives Out fans also cannot contain their excitement about Evan’s casting. Many fans have posted how thrilled they are for seeing how Evans takes on this lovable and iconic character. One user termed Chris Evans as being perfect for playing the role of Buzz Lightyear. They are counting the days when they will finally be able to see Evans as Lightyear. Few fans joked about how attracted they are to Chris Evans and joked about whether Chris’s physical attributes will get added to the character that his voice will play.