Quite a few research equities have predicted that the stocks of CVX would be announcing an EPS of $1.49 for the quarter. According to a report, three of the investment analysts have already provided estimates into the earnings of the company, with the lowest coming in at $1.18, and the highest coming in at $1.92. The EPS posted by the company the previous year was $1.59, which indicates an annual growth rate of 193.7%. The company will be putting up its next quarterly report on the 30th of July.
The Quarterly Estimates of CVX
CVX previously updated its quarterly results on the 29th of April. The company dealing with oil and gas has already reported an EPS of $0.90 for the quarter, which slightly missed out on the analyst expectation of $0.92. The revenue generated by the company during this period was $32.03 billion, which was more than the consensus estimate of $31.82 billion. The net margin of the company is -10.86%, with the return on equity set at 1.75%.
There have been quite a few research equities that have commented on the stocks of CVX. Raymond James has already reduced the price target of the company from $122 to $120 with a rating of outperform in a 20th April research note. Morgan Stanley has also increased the price target of the company from $113 to $127 with a rating of overweight in a 17th March research report.
Piper Sandler has also increased the price target of the company from $113 to $126 with a rating of overweight in a 1st April research report. The Goldman Sachs Group has also reaffirmed a rating of neutral with a price target of $113 in a 13th April research report.
Ten of the investment analysts involved with the company have given it a rating of hold, while seventeen others have provided it with a rating of buy. Currently, CVX has a buy rating with a $113 price target.