Dave Chappelle’s comedy show on Netflix has drawn a series of protests. Chappell is a well-known comedian known for his stand-up stints. Apart from being a comedian, he has also proved his worth as an actor. Chappell enjoyed his share of recognition with several accolades to boast of.
He has been presented with a total of three Grammys and five Emmy Awards. The comedian turned actor also received the Mark Twain Award. However, everything does not seem to be going well with David. He has drawn huge criticism from his Netflix show, “Dave Chappelle Special”.
A number of social activists followed by Netflix staff have carried out protests over the show. The seriousness rose to an extent where the show is being demanded to be called off. Let us know more about the controversy below.
Dave Chappelle Faces Heat
What was supposed to be a light-hearted comedy show, is now the center of controversy. The show by Dave Chappelle has been accused of being transphobic. A number of transgender activists have carried out protests outside the headquarters of Netflix. This was followed by a large number of staff walking out of Netflix. The walkout was conducted by the “Team Trans”. The team ensured the well-being of transgenders both mentally and physically.
The streaming platform was asked to scrape off the show immediately. The protestors also requested the platform to opt for content that was intersectional. The rally commenced from Sunset Boulevard and was held in the morning. People accompanying the rally stated that it was conducted to safeguard the priorities and dignity of every community.
Dave Chappelle was brutally criticized by the activists. “The Closer” had several comments directed at transgenders which were insulting. Chappell previously spoke ill about the genitals of a trans. He also got into a fight with a lesbian at a nightclub.