Donald Trump, the former president of the United States of America, avoided getting convicted for the incident that took place on the 6th of January. He was held responsible for the violent Capitol riot which ended up killing a total of five people.
However, there are chances that the former president might have a lot of tougher time in what is coming for him. This is because a bunch of serious civil and criminal cases have been filed against him. And out of those, there happens to be at least one that can cause Donald Trump to end up behind the bars. This can take place in case he gets convicted.
Severity Of Allegations On Donald Trump
Donald Trump ending up in jail will create a new history for the United States of America. There have been no such ex-presidents who have been jailed or even faced a criminal lawsuit. There was a statement from him following the case. The former president made the claim that whatever lawsuits have been filed against him, are all part of a political stunt. They are motivated by the prosecutors belonging to the Democratic party.
The judges who are involved in the investigations have already ruled against the lawyers of Donald Trump in cases with regard to the evidence. These very rulings provide an underscore to the risks that he faces. This is because of the fact that the former president lost the privilege of getting protected from prosecution. The reason for this is because as of 20th January, Trump no longer remained the acting president of the United States of America.
Joseph Tacopina, a leading attorney of criminal defence from New York gave a statement with regard to the filed lawsuit. He stated that hard days are coming for Donald Trump.