John Stamos, the popular American actor from the American sitcom franchise, Full House, took to the social media platform, Instagram, to give an update on his health. He shared a couple of photos of himself revealing himself in a hospital gown. He also had a cap on his head. The photos also revealed a bandage that was tied across one of his palms. The Instagram post was made on the 27th of August that fell on a Friday.
John Stamos Is Doing Well
The 58-year-old John Stamos gave assurance to all of his fans and well-wishers through his caption. It was stated that he was back at his home after having stayed in the hospital. The actor also made mention of a medical condition called “trigger finger.” The actor had previously spoken in one of the interviews about his family and how they fulfilled his dreams. He has a wife called Caitlyn McHugh Stamos and they share a son together whose name is Billy.
Billy is three years old. John Stamos stated that he loved having kids. However, he was always afraid of he would find the right partner or not. And then he came across his wife Caitlyn. He considers the 35-year-old wife to be the one who straightened up his life. The actor stated that only after meeting her did he realize that he had to “become a better person.” That incident took place about 6 years ago.
John Stamos also spoke on family planning. The actor stated that both he and his wife have been trying for more kids but they have not been able to until now. Stamos made a joke by stating that his three-year-old son stops them from having more kids most of the time.