Greg Abbott is the governor of Texas. He made an announcement of Friday that his state made an appeal to the federal government for their help in COVID-19 testing and diagnosis. His request has been made because of the surging cases globally.
The two departments of Texas, namely, the State Health Services and the Emergency Management both have requested resources from the central government. Texas needs testing centers, monoclonal treatments, and medical personnel.
Greg Abbott Requests Help To Tackle COVID-19
Greg Abbott has been an outspoken opponent of the coronavirus vaccine mandate issue. He also stated that Texas is making an urgent request to the central government to come forward and give additional resources where needed.
Abbott also said that the federal government must send extra medical staff, therapeutics, and the provision of testing facilities. This might help to allay the COVID cases that are rising again.
Texas gave a list of specific testing facilities in Cameron, Harris, Bexar, Tarrant, and Hidalgo as the situation worsened there quickly. Till Sunday, Harris County was known to be the 5th highest in COVID cases all over the US.
Texas also asked for 3 teams of personnel in urban localities and a supply of monoclonal anti-body cures. This request was following the end of sotrovimab supply that is effective against the omicron variant.
Officials informed that infusion centers might fail to give treatment till central authorities dispatch extra sotrovimab in January. Abbott also revealed that despite Joe Biden’s vows of support, he is not doing anything in reality.
He further added that Biden is merely hoarding anti-body drugs.
Texas was making news on Friday over the blocked vaccines and mask mandate by a central judge. Abbott also tweeted about it saying that Texas has beaten Biden once again.