Jaylen Smith, an 18 years old guy from Earle, Arkansas, is the newly elected mayor. He is probably the youngest mayor in history. He defeated his opponent by 235 votes. He is the new member of the democrats and would be serving the community.
Jaylen Smith’s Passion Made Him Run For Mayor
Jaylen Smith is the first youngest African American who has been elected as mayor in Earle and the whole united states. He is 18 years old and naive, unaware of lots of things in the world of politics, which raised questions at the upper level if he is capable enough or not. Thus Jaylen Smith has consulted with several mayors across Arkansas.
His motto is to bring changes to his community and in Earle, he has grown up there and faced many challenges as a resident of Earle with a population of 1831. He knows all the loopholes and is determined to fix them. And move the community where it is needed to move in order to bring changes, in his own words.
Even before Jaylen Smith decided to run for Mayor he took advice from Frank Scott Jr. He is very proud that Jaylen Smith has come this far, and his urge to change society is undebatable. He is young and fresh thoughts can actually bring changes in society, and he has some unique goals for the city. Jaylen Smith’s interests were always there to serve his community and his involvement in the community started in school when he first signed up for the student government association. That program influenced him to take a part in this society.
Jaylen Smith’s primary target is to rebuild the city, which he is aware won’t happen overnight. Creating jobs for youths is his main concern, and along with this comes keeping the police department active 24*7. Provide the city with a massive number of public transport and grocery stores, all these are on his bucket list.