Last Wednesday saw Nadya Suleman, also referred to as Octomom, take to Instagram to share a tribute to her Octuplets. The famous media personality uploaded a picture of her sitting with 11 of her 14 kids, which included the octuplets, on the occasion of their 13th birthday. The media personality garnered a lot of fame after famously giving birth to 8 kids back in 2009.
Nadya Suleman Celebrates Her Children’s Birthday With a Post On Instagram
Nadya Suleman shared a beautiful caption on Instagram where she began by wishing her 8 kids- Nariayah, Isaiah, Maliyah, Jeremiah, Josiah, Noah, Makai, and Jonah. She then spoke about how beautiful and kind they have grown up to be over the course of the years. She spoke about the values that were imbibed in them through good parenting, along with the special characteristics that they all had. Suleman also mentioned how her children were seemingly different from the children of their generation. They were more compassionate and grateful for what they had.
Nadya Suleman, a native of California, was full of praises for her children. She mentioned that she had never seen children who were as devoted to helping others with the skills and the possessions they had at their disposal. She concluded her sweet message to her children by stating that she wanted her children to love God for they created the world that they all resided in.
Nadiya Suleman was snapped in public for the first time in two years in a local park with her children. On New Year’s Day, Nadiya and her children uploaded a new video ringing in the New Year with her children. She put up a video where her children could be heard screaming in the distance counting down the time to New Year’s.