No Way Home: Tickets Are Out Now!


No Way Home would be one of the biggest releases of Marvel. After Avengers Endgame, this might be the movie that will make Marvel some decent money. The covid pandemic did impact el as well. They had a series of films lined up. However, they could not carry on with them. Halls were shut down and Marvel had to release their movies digitally.

A lot of hype has been made around the latest SpiderMan movie. One of the biggest rumors surrounding it has been the presence of multiple Spiderman. A lot of speculation has been made about the theory. Fans and YouTubers have gone crazy about the film. Marvel did not confirm the presence of more than one spiderman. However, the trailers did confirm multiple villains. 

Speaking about the trailer, Marvel is a master of deceiving their audiences with their trailers. The recent trailer for the movie has sparked a lot of discussions. In an unwilling trailer leak, footage of the lizard has become viral. The Brazilian version of the trailer depicts the Lizard being hit by something. The fans cannot wait to see No Way Home now. It is thus a good time to discuss the tickets. 

No Way Home Booking Dates Announced 

There is good news for all the No Way Home fans. The tickets for the movie are going up for sale today. It was already announced that the tickets will be live from 29th November. However, Marvel confirmed that in some areas they will be available from 28th itself. The timing of the tickets is expected to be varying from place to place. 

Spiderman: No Way Home has an enviable cast. It will feature Tom Holland as Spiderman and Zendaya as MJ. Several other renowned artists will be featured as iconic villains in the film. The film is scheduled for a theatrical release on 17th December 2021.