A more compact version of the wireless controller is here. Compatible with even Windows 10, PowerA’s Nano Enhanced wireless controller for the Switch comes in two colors: Black with Grey designs, and Gray with Neon Blue or Red designs.
Its texture is admirable and comfortable for usage, depending primarily upon the size of the hand. Its build quality is close to amazing and is also feasible, its cost being only $49.99.
This controller has 2 mappable buttons at the back that is not found on the Switch Pro. You can easily remap maybe a face button and a trigger to the backend. This would be more convenient for games where you have to hold down on a button for tedious actions.
This new controller has a USB-C charging port on the top. The company claims it can last for 20 hours with each charge. Being rechargeable is a great plus point. It can last for a few weeks if you play a little while each day. The box includes a 10-foot USB-C to USB-A cable and a drawstring pouch for the controller.