The Presidential Inauguration In The United States Saw American Fashion Designers Come To The Forefront

The presidential inauguration on Wednesday saw American fashion designers take the centre stage- with the President, Vice President, and the First Lady wearing clothes designed by them. Kamala Harris, the Vice President of the United States attended the inauguration in a purple dress that had been designed by Christopher John Rogers from Louisiana. 

The Presidential Inauguration Saw A Dazzling Display of Americana

Rogers is one of the most famous designers of color in America, having previously designed clothes for Michelle Obama, Rihanna, and Beyonce. Interestingly, Rogers has a way of bringing out his craft through bold colors- but Kamala Harris went for a much mellowed down look- in line with her code of conduct.

Several other luxury fashion designers were also celebrated at the presidential inauguration. The President and the Second Gentleman were decked in suits made by the famous Ralph Lauren. For the uninitiated, Ralph Lauren has become the symbol of Luxury Americana over the last 40 years.  

But it was First Lady Jill Biden’s tweed coat which shone the most at this Presidential inauguration. She wore a coat that had velvet cuffs that were designed by Alexandra O’Neill- a designer from Colorado. In an email to CNN, the designer stated how grateful she was for the opportunity to design the dress of the First Lady of America. And if we think that this was O’Neill’s first gig at designing clothes for celebrities, you would be mistaken. Her brand, Markarian, has been designing A-list celebrities since 2017. Her clientele has extended to Priyanka Chopra, Lizzo, and Kate Hudson. 

The reason for such a display at the Presidential inauguration? It was simply representative of a return to designs that were strictly made in America. Also, it signified the authenticity of young as well as designers of color. Interestingly, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, and Kamala Harris all came decked in purple which has been the universal color of the women’s suffrage movement.