Rebel Wilson, the Australian actress, concerned her fans all across the world after she shared a post over the social media platform, Instagram. The post revealed “The Hustle ” actress with a different face than what she normally had over 18 months ago. The makeup that she had on her face was very different from what she normally has. I was extremely different from her “natural look.” The post was shared this Friday.
Rebel Wilson Showered With Love
The 41-year-old Rebel Wilson, through her post, revealed herself on the sets of her upcoming movie, Senior Year. The caption that she attached to the post revealed that she was not her best in the past few months. The actress cheered herself through her caption. She stated that the present situation could have been much better but she can go through it. Rebel Wilson also wrote the things that she needed to do like “hydrate”, eat good “quality food” and “work out.” She concluded her caption by writing that she had to prove her heart and her brain which was “brilliant.” And then she wrote, “Love You.”
Following this Friday post of the actress, fans took no time to reach out to her in the comment section. They showered her with love and affection. Some of them wrote that the “Pitch Perfect” actress can achieve whatever she can. Some said that they were sending her “positive vibes.” Some stated that even “famous people” had to go through normal struggles like normal people. Some fans asked how she was feeling and some complimented her looks stating that she looked gorgeous in the picture.
Rebel Wilson has undergone a complete mental as well as a physical change in the span of a year. The actress has managed to lose a total of 65lbs. The actress had recently revealed that she never wanted to be skinny. She only wanted to lose her body fat.