The outgoing Republican speaker of the Arizona House, Rusty Bowers, claims that if Trump-backed GOP candidates win crucial midterm elections and contribute to the passage of legislation that makes it easier to annul elections, they might push the nation “back into the dark ages,” which he likened to “fascist.”
The remarks were given by Rusty Bowers during an interview for Jake Tapper’s upcoming CNN program, “American Coup: The January 6 Investigation.” The documentary debuts on CNN on Sunday at 9 p.m. ET and covers the significant revelations from Congress’ thorough investigation of the uprising at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Rusty Bowers was an important witness at one of the open sessions held this summer by the US House select committee looking into the uprising on January 6.
About a failed Republican effort to alter Arizona’s election procedures, Bowers raised concern over sections in the measure that would have given the state legislature a mechanism to ignore the results of a popular vote and virtually choose a winner.
Rusty Bowers, Top Republican Of Arizona, Says Trump Backed Candidate Might Introduce Fascism:
After he lost the 2020 election, former president Donald Trump pushed state authorities to invalidate or overturn election results in key states, including Arizona, where Trump personally bribed Bowers. Trump’s attempts to change the election results were unsuccessful, but he and his supporters have campaigned for new voting regulations in significant states that give partisans more influence over elections.
Given the Republican opposition to President Joe Biden’s recent statement that Trump’s political movement resembled “semi-fascist,” Bowers’ use of the word “fascism” is noteworthy.
Last month, Rusty Bowers was unsuccessful in the Republican primary for the Arizona state Senate. David Farnsworth, a former state senator, was his opponent. Farnsworth said that there was “no question” that Trump was the victim of a plan to rig the 2020 election. Trump stated online that “Bowers must be defeated,” supported him.