While Sony is planning on releasing Spider Man No Way Home a few months from now, the trailer has already been leaked. Despite the production company doing its best to take the copies of the trailer down, everyone knows once the Internet captures something, it can’t ever be taken down.
Nevertheless, several versions which were visible previously have now been disabled in response to a copyright report. And yet, the trailer was distributed all over Twitter, where the fans of Marvel shared it across their own networks. At this point, trying to destroy every single copy is a futile endeavor.
Spider Man No Way Home Trailer Leaked: Massive Disaster Or Genius Plan?
The leak of Spider Man No Way Home is definitely the result of a huge corporate mess that will inevitably result in someone getting fired. Or, they could be going the Thor: Ragnarok route, where the leak of the first 20 minutes of the movie via Mark Ruffalo’s Instagram garnered unprecedented interest in the movie. Funnily enough, Twitter has played host to a bunch of memes where the head of MCU, Kevin Feige has been yelling or exacting revenge on the person who leaked it out.
As it stands, the trailer of Spider Man No Way Home does feature Tom Holland reprising his role as our favorite ‘spider man’. The trailer seems to be recorded on a phone which has a huge watermark on it- which could definitely be someone’s name. The trailer seems the work of an amateur and has been sent over an Instagram DM. Therefore, maybe it would be worth waiting for the real trailer to be released, rather than accessing the web for the leaked version.
Spider Man No Way Home has also garnered massive speculations that the movie might bring in several other Spider-Men in it. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on who is reading this, the leaked trailer doesn’t show any other Spiderman, apart from Tom Holland. So maybe, we would have to wait for that.