In the event that you recently received a letter from the IRS regarding the eligibility requirements for a stimulus check payment, don’t throw it away.
You could still be one amongst the 9 million people that the IRS believes can be a part of the federal stimulus payment or even the extended child tax credit– or both. However, you can’t afford to be laid back if you received the letter- for the deadline is approaching close and there are just a few days left to receive the stimulus payment. In the month of October, the IRS stated that it had been mailing letters to those who hadn’t yet received their stimulus payment or the federal benefits- which includes the EITC, stimulus payments, and the expanded Child Tax credit.
IRS Letter Could Make You Eligible for Stimulus Check Payment
Those who have already received the letter from the IRS and have also been deemed eligible for the federal stimulus check payment have until the 17th of November to receive this money- as mentioned by the IRS. The IRS, during the height of the pandemic, had utilized the tax returns to not just determine the eligibility for federal benefits but also to receive all the addresses for the inevitable distribution of the money. The tax returns, for those who are unaware, usually carry the bank account information, as well as the home addresses for mailing purposes.
However, the IRS recently discovered that close to nine million people hadn’t received their stimulus check payments from the government simply because they hadn’t filed their tax returns in 2021. Thus, it is a possibility that the IRS has been sending letters to people to inform them that they would eligible for the stimulus money.