The new song ‘Kid’ by The Revivalists was released. It has a historical incident attached to it. The whole country was falling apart, the song was written back then. The January 6th Capitol Attack is related to this song. This is not only a song, but a story it tells, the larger part of the song was affected by that attack. The songwriter and guitarist of the band Zack Feinberg were feeling good about the day and thought to give it a try. He was extremely happy that day, which means something magical was about to happen, but on the other side, the world was falling apart.
The Revivalists Chose The Country Before Their Career
January 6th, 2021 was just like every other day, but somewhere special because The Revivalists member Zack Feinberg found out that his partner was pregnant with twins, and the day got better. It was like one of those days when things go right. The Revivalists were at the studio writing and recording songs, and when they hit the news channel there was something heart-wrenching.
It was highly distracting at the time and the only thing that was talked about in the country. But The Revivalists didn’t let it distract them, they kept on doing whatever good they were trying to bring. It was difficult for them to stay focused. The new song is about that distraction, no matter what happens to focus needs to be there.
The Revivalists’ new song tells the story of being in the present, and never letting past distractions or outside noises take it away. And the Capitol attack made a huge impact on writing this song. The kid would be talking to the inner child of yours, whenever anyone listens to this. And music has the magical power to heal things, those untold emotions and feelings are usually processed by music.