Wish Dragon, the animated film that is available on one of the most popular streaming platforms, Netflix, released on the 11th of June that fell on a Friday. The story is kind of similar to that of Disney’s Aladdin. However, the setting is completely different. The story takes place in Shanghai during modern times. It cannot be said that the story of the film has directly been derived from Aladdin.
However, since it has the same kind of plot, there are some similar points in the film. The twist that lies in the Wish Dragon is a specific kind of humor and a modern fantasy plot. The director of the film, Chris Appelhans, has made sure these elements are provided enough to keep the viewers entertained.
Wish Dragon Has A Modern Turn
Wish Dragon is about a young man who carries the dream of making a memorable connection with a rich, beautiful girl. He stumbled upon a magical item. That item does the job of producing before him, a creature that grants wishes. Following this, the man tries out using the help of the creature to help him achieve his biggest dream, which is to get closer to the girl he likes. He wants to look rich in front of her so that he can impress her.
While all these things take place, there is a mysterious someone who carries evil thoughts concerning the wish-granting creature. That person, who is the villain of the Chris Applehans directed Wish Dragon, wants to gain control over the wish granter and use it for an evil purpose.
Moving on to the wish-granting creature, its name is Long John Cho and it is a dragon. The man who wanted the girl is a student who is still in his college and his name is Jimmy Wong. The girl Jimmy wants to impress is Natasha Liu Bordizzo who happens to be one of his childhood friends.