XOM Has Had Brokerages Issue Earnings


The stocks of XOM have received their Q2 earnings from Piper Sandler in a 30th March research note. R. Todd, one of the analysts working at Piper Sandler has been anticipating that the company will put up an EPS of $0.95 for the same quarter. This Q3 earnings for the company have been predicted at $1.06, with Q4 earnings coming up at $1.05, along with FY2021 earnings at an EPS of $3.72. The EPS for Q1 2022 has been forecasted at $1.08, while the Q2 for the next year comes up at $1.04.

The Stock Commentary Of XOM

There have been quite a few research equities that have commented on the stocks of XOM. Wells Fargo & Company has increased the price target of the company from $53 to $65 with a rating of overweight in a 2nd March research report. JPMorgan Chase & Co has reiterated the rating of buy with a price target of $56 in a 3rd February research note. Exane BNP Paribas has put up a rating of neutral with a price target of $45 in an 8th February research note. In the end, Mizuho Securities has also put up a rating of neutral with a price target of $49 on the company’s stock. 

Four of the investment analysts covering the stocks of XOM have put up a rating of sell, with fourteen other analysts have put up a hold rating. Eight other analysts came up with a rating of buy. Currently, the stocks of XOM have a hold rating with a value of $52.67. 

The stocks of XOM traded on Friday at $57.39. The market cap of the firm is $242.96 billion, with a 34.16 PE ratio along with a 1.31 beta. The moving average price of the company over 50 days is $56.28, with the moving average price of the company over 200 days is $43.93. The debt-to-equity ratio of the company is 0.25, with a 0.58 quick ratio. The year low of the company is $31.11, with a year high of around $62.55.