ADBE EVP Has Sold Close To 4000 Shares


The EVP of ADBE, Abhay Parasnis has gone ahead and sold close to 4000 shares of the company’s stock in a 15th April transaction. The average price at which these shares were sold is $524, with a total transaction amounting to $2,096,000. Currently, the EVP has control of over 39,746 shares of the stock of the company which has a total valuation of $20,826,904. 

The Quarterly Estimates Of ADBE

The stocks of ADBE traded on Friday at $1.83. The moving average price of the company over a period of 50 days has been $464.82, with the moving average price of the company over 200 days set at $477.66. The current ratio of the company is 1.48, with a 1.44 quick ratio, along with a 0.31 debt-to-equity ratio. The market cap of the firm has been set at $250.99 billion, with a 48.44 PE ratio, along with a 2.55 PEG ratio. The year low of the company has been set at $325.21, with a year high fixed at $536.88. 

ADBE previously updated its quarterly results on the 22nd of March. The software company had an EPS of $3.14 for this quarter, which was more than the consensus sum of $2.79. The revenue of the company for this quarter was $3.91 billion, which was more than the consensus set at $3.76 billion. The net margin of the company has been set at 40.88%, with a 35.81% return on their equity. 

There have been quite a few research equities that have commented on the stocks of ADBE. JPMorgan Chase & Co has already increased the price target of the company from $585 to $595 with a rating of overweight in a 24th March research report. Stifel Nicolaus has also put up a rating of buy with a price target of $597 in a 3rd March research report. BMO Capital Markets has also reduced the price target of the company from $570 to $530 with a rating of “outperform” in a 30th March research report. 

One of the investment analysts covering the stocks of this company gave it a rating of sell, while four others gave it a rating of hold. Around nineteen others gave the company a rating of buy. Currently, ADBE has a buy rating with a $547.58 price target.