Regular customers might be especially nervous about becoming ill during their travels amid flu seasons and the progressing coronavirus episode.
What’s worse, a late study from MIT estimates that just around 20 percent of people in airports have clean hands (which means they were washed with soap and water for at least 15 seconds inside the hour). However, researchers also found that if around 60 percent of air terminal goers had really clean hands, it could help slow the spread of worldwide disease by as much as 69 percent.
Despite the fact that you can’t control your kindred passengers, you can bring matters into your own hands by completely disinfecting your airplane seat before your next flight. Here’s how:
Use antibacterial wipes
Use a pack of antibacterial wipes with liquor to wipe down everything in your personal territory, including the plate table, arm rest, seatbelt handle, air vents and call buttons, Ohio State University infectious disease specialist Debra A. Goff, Pharm.D. told Reader’s Digest. Hitting these “high touch” areas is a surefire approach to battle germs, she said.
In spite of the fact that you can’t control your kindred passengers, you can make a move into your own hands by altogether disinfecting your airplane seat before your next flight. (iStock)
If you’re feeling generous, consider passing out the wipes to your individual seatmates, Goff suggests — all things considered, the cleaner the zone, the better for all passengers.
“In contrast to sharing microbes and viruses, this is something you need to share,” she said.
Consider a seat spread
Careful about the upholstered seats? Regardless of whether you’re flying high in first-class or digging in economy, antibacterial wipes won’t help you here. Instead, devoted travelers might need to invest in a reusable seat and plate table cover, SmarterTravel recommends.
Moreover, a 2018 study of airplane cleanliness suggested that seats’ headrests may be the germiest surfaces on the plane, with some testing positive for E. coli microorganisms. Even more, reason to get sit back and unwind with your own spread, on your own terms.
Be cautious what you touch
Try not to get too agreeable too quickly: If you’re a fanatic of spreading out and using the seatback pocket for your belongings or snacks, SmarterTravel suggests keeping your personal items somewhat closer. Because seatback pockets are regularly touched by dozens of passengers, they can harbor “one of the airplane’s highest concentrations of germs,” the site states.