Can John Fetterman Win The Upcoming State Elections?

John Fetterman
John Fetterman

According to John Fetterman’s recent advertisement, his campaign has evolved into a movement. John Fetterman is the front-runner for Pennsylvania‘s Democratic Senate candidacy only days before the state’s primary on Tuesday. He argues, though, that he is only “doing my thing.” This includes believing that “voting is crucial to democracy.” And promising to “do nice Democratic stuff.” And calling a possible Republican opponent a “weirdo.”

John Fetterman, Pennsylvania’s lieutenant governor, does not sound like any other major politician in recent memory. And, at 6-foot-8 and wearing basketball shorts and sweatshirts with occasional schmutz, he does not look like one.

John Fetterman Has The Support Of Many 

But, as Election Day approaches in one of the country’s most closely split states, Fetterman is in a significantly better position than most party leaders and planners in Pennsylvania and Washington had predicted. And, if he gets the Democratic nomination, his campaign will be a litmus test for whether politicians with strong personal brands can weather the storm of national political divisiveness.

John Fetterman’s low-key, approachable attitude helps establish his reputation as a likable straight shooter, according to his many ardent admirers, who love his family, can recite sections of his life narrative, and occasionally credit Fetterman with reigniting their interest in politics.

To his adversaries and some dubious voters, choosing Fetterman — a 2016 admirer of Senator Bernie Sanders who wore a hoodie to the White House Easter Egg Roll — risks alienating citizens in the more conservative suburbs who have gradually supported Democrats during Trump’s presidency. He has also been haunted by a 2013 event that may influence how Black people throughout the state see him. When John Fetterman was mayor of Braddock, Pa., he used a shotgun to stop and arrest unarmed Black jogging, claiming to have heard gunshots. Some party strategists are concerned that the incident may be used against them in the general election in November.