Chrishell Stause on Wednesday, took to Instagram to post a video of her and G Flip kissing at the altar confirming their marriage. The duo had been dating over the past year after which they secretly got hitched. Selling Sunset fame, Chrishell Stause commented in her Instagram post stating love often does not go as expected, and it can get immeasurably better sometimes. Stause’s Instagram video featured G Flip’s new song I’ll Be Your Man, while Chrishell has called G Flip the most hardworking, talented, kindest, and funniest person.
Numerous celebrities like Francesca Fargo, Jojo Fletcher, and Emma Hernan, have sent their congratulations to Chrishell Stauce and G Flip and wished the couple a happy married life.
G Flip And Chrishell Stause Met Each Other At A Halloween Party
According to Page Six, Chrishell and G Flip met each other in 2021 at a Halloween costume party. Soon both the singers broke up with their respective fiances and met again in 2022 February at another party. The duo shared their first kiss at that very party, Chrishell, however, has admitted to not taking it seriously.
In an interview with Vogue Australia, Chrishell Stause stated that she had taken the kiss casually and thought of herself as incapable of engaging in a relationship with anyone. Chrishell was still uncertain of her sexual orientation and considered herself straight.
G Flip and Chrishell Stause truly connected with each other over their collaboration in Get Me Outta Here, a music video, and the couple fell in love. During this collaboration, Chrishell explored her sexual orientation and claimed to not have a particular type as stated by her in her Vogue interview. In about six months the duo announced their relationship publicly.