Donald Trump To Also Skip Second Republican Debate

donald trump

Donald Trump has decided to skip next week’s primary debate of the GOP and is instead planning a trip to Detroit. The former president skipped an earlier meeting and will meet present and ex-members of the auto unions who are on strike. Thousands of members of the major union of autoworkers, United Auto Workers are on strike at the 3 major plants. This comes after carmakers in Detroit and union workers failed to strike a deal. Donald Trump announced his plans just days after the talks broke down.

Donald Trump is the clear front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination for the 2024 elections. His campaign spokesperson confirmed reports that he intends to skip the 2nd Republican primary debate even as his party rivals struggled to catch up with the mercurial leader. Trump will be speaking to former and present auto union members including workers not only from the auto industry. Other tradesmen, including electricians, pipe fitters, and plumbers will also be attending his meeting.

Auto Union Leaders Not Interested In Meeting Billionaires Like Donald Trump

However, the major union of autoworkers has reacted unfavorably to news that Donald Trump will be attending a meeting in the city. Shawn Fain, the president of the United Auto Workers said that the workers are committed to fighting the rich class including Donald Trump who enrich themselves while denying just wages to the workers.

Fain said that he did not expect rich people like Donald Trump to understand how tough it is to live paycheck to paycheck. He said that electing such people will not solve the issues faced by the workers. He even went on to say that the disgraced president’s White House term would end in disaster. Donald Trump’s absence from the Republican debate was expected. He has time and again ignored his party rivals. He has instead positioned himself as a direct challenger to President Biden, who remains a vocal supporter of labor unions across American industries.