Despite coming such a long way in learning, teaching, and parenting, failure among students is still common and considered a curse. Whenever a rumor about someone failing spreads in the air, people often presume that they didn’t prepare well. While that could be true, some other aspects (such as fear, a lack of proper training, low confidence, etc.) could also come into play.
From the lens of educational psychology, students who wish to succeed in life and education are afraid of failure. The fear of failure is linked to one’s sense of self-worth. One way to safeguard our sense of worth is to have faith in our abilities. But to maintain self-worth, striving for greater heights is critical. Failure to perform precisely means we are not competitive enough and, therefore, unworthy. That said, if a student doesn’t believe they have the power to succeed (or if constant failures weaken that belief), then that student will start to flame out.
But apart from those mentioned above, how do pupils get in the way of their success? For further analysis, listed below are some of the most common yet rarely ever dealt with reasons why students fail:
One most prominent reason for failure is fear. Fear is the adversary of student success. The fear of examinations and internal assignments makes a mess, causing students to write incorrect answers and lose marks. Many students prepare for their exams in advance. Still, when the exam arrives, they become highly anxious and lose their cool, causing them to lose concentration and thus lose marks. A failure for one person may be a valuable learning experience for another.
On the other hand, an instructor can prove to be a valuable asset to eliminating the fear of failure. Also, many courses and certifications are available for individuals to dive deeper into the subject of education and psychology. For instance, a master’s in educational psychology degree can help understand education’s various intellectual and psychosomatic aspects. It can also serve as an excellent opportunity for candidates to pursue multiple careers in and out of educational environments.
Personality problems
This issue differs from student to student, and the causes can be challenging to identify and rectify. Some students may lack peace of mind due to their upbringing or be concerned about their parents’ behavior. Others may be socially excluded from their classmates and organization because they lack social connections.
Maintaining positive relationships with faculty and classmates and being an active learner are all variables that contribute to their success. Members may organize talk seminars or sessions for low-performing students to help them sort out personal issues and see if they can improve their situation.
The world has changed, and new technologies have emerged. And students are wholly distracted by social media, such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and others, causing them to lose focus on their education. Instead of even discussing their problems with family members, students are preoccupied with social media, the consequences of which take the form of failure. As a result, if students want to succeed rather than fail, they must avoid all tasks or activities.
No pattern of study
Many students today are unaware of the best study method for them. As a result, they continue to study hard incorrectly, yielding bad outcomes. Perhaps your friends excel at group study, and as a result, you’ve been studying with them in groups as well. But how is that going for you?
Not all students are made equal! Just because your mates do it that way doesn’t mean you have to join their reading groups. Take your time to figure out what style works best for you and stick with it. It could be as simple as day-reading rather than night-reading, group reading rather than solo reading, or reading with past questions rather than guide-less reading. Whatever the case may be, always find your pattern!
Lack of consistency and perseverance
One of the main reasons many young people fail to achieve their goals is a lack of perseverance. It’s worth emphasizing that this isn’t just an academic problem because perseverance is a crucial component of good governance, and failure is an innate part of the learning process. How do you begin if you’ve been given a mission by someone higher up and told to finish it? From a psychological point of view, we can tell you that many students fail because they lack the fortitude to persevere. They lack the dedication and strength of character to overcome their fears and doubts and put in the effort required to succeed.
Mismanagement of time
Students in the modern world are failing due to poor time management. Students’ study time is squandered by playing pointless games.
Perhaps they must study rather than play at this time. Today’s students are unaware of the value of time. As time is like those drops of water in a river, once they reach the sea, they never return. As a result, instead of wasting time, use it to create something useful.
A poor retentive memory
Not all students are the same – we cannot emphasize this enough. Some people require less time to absorb and remember the subject matter. However, some find it challenging to recall information during assessments despite their efforts. It is, in fact, one of the most common reasons why students who work diligently until the wee hours of the morning fail. If you discover that you are this type of student, go back to reason #1 and understand the value of confidence. If you let go of fear and have more confidence in your learnings, you will remember what you’ve studied and will never have to go through the same concepts over and over again.
So these were some of the sole reasons why some students experience failure. The trick to being a successful student is to eliminate insecurity. And yes, that will require more than listening to motivational music and reciting famous success-related quotes. Still, gleaning wisdom from your seniors is something that’ll work wonders. Also, learn the importance of responsibility, manners, foresight, restraint, and organization. So to achieve success, you must work on yourself and never allow fear to get the best of you.