The religious right had been fooling people for so many years. Precisely with regard to the rights of the LGBTQ community. It was advocated that the opposition towards the community had everything to do with religion. Not only that but the whole definition of religion had been distorted by the religious right. However, this is far from reality. The passing of the Equality Act will cater to religious Americans as well.
Equality Act Is Here For Protection
The protection provided to the religious population of the United States of America be expanded. This expansion will be brought about by the Equality Act. The American public spaces for the application of Civil rights will get an update.
The Federal law that is being executed currently, has its own setbacks. It does not provide protection to those who display their religious choices in public places. Any Hindu or Christian can face discrimination in a taxicab or a mall. There are no such provisions that make such discrimination illegal. However, the Equality Act provides a safeguard against all these things. It helps in the preservation of all the provisions of religious liberty. The ones that are a part of the existing laws of civil rights. The Act will also make sure that LGBTQ Americans are not discriminated against in the areas of housing, public accommodations and employment.
The representatives of various factions of religion have always made their claims against the Equality Act. A bunch of Catholic Bishops had stated their concern with regard to the act. It was said that the act would bring about discrimination against those who people to a particular faith.
Franklin Graham, the American evangelist, even went on to use a superlative word to describe the act. He called it “very dangerous.” Pat Robertson, the televangelist also stated similar concerns in the year 2019.