The popular television series iCarly marks its return this June 17 on Nickelodeon. The show will see Miranda Cosgrove reprising her titular role of Carly. The show opens with the first three episodes on June 17 with fresh episodes every Thursday every week. Along with the return of almost all the other characters, fans will have to miss out on Sam aka Jennette McCurdy, and Gibby aka Noah Munck.
In a surprising turn of events, it turns out that Jennette McCurdy completely gave up acting. Last February, Jennette spilled the beans on her podcast named Empty Inside. In an episode called “Fish Out of Water” featuring Anna Faris, McCurdy went on to explain that she does not wish to be in front of the camera anymore. And nor she did ever. She also states that she gave up acting to go after directing and writing in which she is currently engaged.
Jennette McCurdy’s Entry into The World of Acting
Jennette McCurdy continues to say that it was her mother who got her into the field of acting when she was only 6. As a result of which, Jennette McCurdy went on to become the only monetary support for her family. She states that she never really felt ambitious in the field of acting. Had it not been for a financial crunch she would have restricted herself from acting especially for the anxiety aspect in her.
With the passing away of Jennette McCurdy’s mother, she finally began to step back from her acting career. Jennette went on to say that acting merely made her feel like herself in all those years. She thought it was harmful to the child that she was. Since 2014 Jennette McCurdy has been directing and writing a few short films and a handful of television episodes.