Garth Brooks has decided to do his part in light of the Delta variant by putting his live music party on a stasis. The country singer mentioned on Wednesday that he would be canceling the next five stops on his country tour. The last stop would be taking place on the 9th of October. In his statement, the legendary singer stated that he had hoped that the pandemic would be over by now.
But, since it surely wasn’t showing any signs of stopping, the singer decided to do his part and cancel his tours. Brooks had restarted his tour back in July, and according to the press release had been set to perform in Charlotte, Cincinnati, Baltimore, Nashville, and Foxborough.
Garth Brooks Prioritizing Health Over Tours
Garth Brooks mentioned that he was extremely hopeful that he would be able to get new dates- which will allow him to start over once the wave is far behind them. He was expecting the wave to get over by the end of the year.
He stated that currently, the most important thing would be to ensure that every seat at the Stadium Tour was filled by making sure that the tour would get the green light later. He also had to make sure that the environment was suitable for people who would spend their money and invest time to put themselves out there.
Garth Brooks further talked about how the joy of music returning was more than worth the constant diligence the citizens had to go through to maintain proper safety protocols not only for the band but also the crew and the staff that made these performances a reality in these stadiums. The staff’s dedication to the safety of the audience who would take their seats has been nothing short of a miracle to watch as well as a blessing to receive. The gratitude in Garth Brooks’ words was palpable.