The Vatican released a statement with regard to the health of Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church. They gave an update on the surgery that the head went through recently. It was an intestinal surgery. It was stated that the religious head “reacted well” to it. Not much detail was given on the news. The surgery had taken place on the 4th of July.
Pope Francis Had Stenosis
The statement also revealed that the 84-years-old head of the sovereign Vatican City was under the dose of general anesthesia when the surgery took place. It was also stated that the surgery was done in order to treat the “narrowing intestine” of Pope Francis. The statement was released by Matteo Bruni, the spokesman of the governing body of the Catholic church, Holy See.
The released detail was given through a written document. And the one thing that everybody was aware of with regard to the shared news was the absence of proper medical detail. The Holy See spokesman did not mention the precise time the surgery took place. He also did not mention the span for which Pope Francis was unconscious after taking anesthesia.
Saturday’s statement also did not state how the religious head to remain in the Agostino Gemelli Polyclinic of Rome, which is one of the Catholic hospitals. Pope Francis was to recover back to health after a few days of staying in the hospital. Currently, he is situated on the 10th floor of the hospital. It is an apartment suite reserved exclusively for the popes. The statement mentioned the precise medical condition of the “Holy Father” which was stenosis. Stenosis is a medical condition in which the organ constricts or narrows down abnormally. The head of the surgeons who undertook the operation was Dr. Sergio Alfieri. He is also the director of the department of digestive surgery of Gemelli.