Jen Psaki, the current White House Secretary, recently announced that she had tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday. This entails that she would be missing her press conference as well as accompanying the President on his upcoming travel plans. The Secretary for the White House stated that her positive test would prevent her from making it to a trip to Europe.
This time around, President Biden will be a participant in a series of emergency meetings with several world leaders regarding the current Russian invasion of Ukraine. Biden has also scheduled his departure to Poland and Belgium on the morning of Wednesday.
Jen Psaki Won’t Be Accompanying the President To Europe
In a written statement, Jen Psaki stated that she took a PCR test on the morning when she was supposed to make her travel preparations to Europe. The test came back positive, so she will be adhering to the guidance provided by the CDC, and will no longer be accompanying the President on his trip to Europe. Biden, on his part, tested negative and had two socially distanced meetings with Psaki on Monday.
Jen Psaki continued that she did go through a couple of socially-distanced meetings with the President the day before. And according to the CDC guidance, the President was not being considered a close contact. Further, she was sharing the news of her test in order to propagate the notion of transparency that Biden’s administration has been trying to press on all state governments. She also mentioned that due to the vaccine, she had only been experiencing mild symptoms. Aligning with the COVID-19 protocols in place, Psaki would make sure that she was working from home.
Jen Psaki had previously tested positive for the coronavirus in October 2021, after which she went through a lengthy period of quarantine and had to work remotely.