John Roberts is the Chief Justice and he recently presented his case on behalf of judicial independence. This took place during his year-end annual report while the US Supreme Court is going to start its 2nd half.
This 2nd term is expected to be of great significance. This is mainly due to the reasons that the Supreme Court will be deciding on overturning Roe versus Wade along with supporting central rules of opposing the dissemination of the COVID-19 virus.
John Roberts’s Opinions Are Clear
Importance: This is the ideal time for John Roberts to highlight December’s Gallup polling case. Roberts’ approval rating was 60% that is the highest ever by any bipartisan leader.
However, another poll in September revealed that the rating has significantly gone down since. His year-end remarks were simultaneously released with the Democrats’ appeal for SC membership. This call was made in the previous month.
Last month, the bipartisan commission presented the final report. It stated their support for 18-year, non-renewable term limits towards justices and intense disagreements regarding the lawmaker’s authority to branch out further.
Moreover, the power of the judiciary is important to gain public trust and work somewhat independently. The judiciary manages internal affairs and works separately and had equal status under the government.
Look Back: John Roberts had conflicts with Donald Trump over the issue of federal judiciary independence in 2018. The former President criticised the judges that gave the negative verdicts to his administration and said they are “Obama judges”. Roberts retaliated saying the judges do not work for any particular president.
Reminder: Sam Baker from Axios stressed that the 2020 abortion docket reveals some truths about the chief justice as well. Political influence and internal affairs play a great role in the power of the judiciary.