Katy Perry Joked About Her Twitching Moment That Went Viral On Vegas Stage

Katy Perry
Katy Perry

Katy Perry revealed extra days for her stay in Las Vegas after she responded to a video that went viral of her eyes flickering on stage. Katy Perry claims that despite being the subject of a viral video, her eye is healthy.

The 38-year-old “Roar” singer noticed a noticeable twitching in her eye as she stopped briefly during her concert on Sunday night during which she was playing as part of her Play Vegas residency.

The left eye of the singer started to close completely on its own as the celebrity posed with her garment made of tin cans and pop tabs, forcing the artist to attempt to mend it as the right eye proceeded to blink.

Make much more noises for my band, Katy Perry commands the audience in a clip of the incident that was recorded by a fan page for the artist. Katy Perry maintains her calm throughout the exchange.

Katy Perry Joked About Her Eye Twitching As Seen In A Viral Video:

Perry utilized the occasion to advertise additional forthcoming Play performances at Resorts World Theatre in 2023 days later, laughing off the situation.

Katy Perry recently on a TikTok shared the clip and writing hilarious caption over it that read POV: when you see 2023 play dates.

Katy Perry said that the show was what she thinks a nonstop party where one can find a lot of unconditional love and completely free of politics. While talking about the same show she said that she was hoping to sing along in the next year too.

The 2023 leg begins on February 15 and concludes on Apr 15 and includes 14 performances. Perry’s residence officially started in December 2021.