Lady Gaga, the Grammy award winner, reveals some disturbing and traumatic stories of her past in an interview. The revelation was made on the platform of the talk show, The Me You Can’t See. The show belongs to Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex and Oprah Winfrey, the popular American host. The show airs on the streaming channel, Apple TV.
Lady Gaga On Her Mental Journey
Lady Gaga got tearful as she spoke about her past and the aftermath she had to face on the platform. She stated that she was raped by one of the music producers when she was 19 years old. That was a major trauma for her as she went through an absolute “psychotic break” following the incident. The 35-year-old superstar revealed that she was forced to listen and accept whatever was told to her. She received threats that included her entire career. She was told that all of her music would be destroyed.
Lady Gaga did not reveal the name of her criminal. The superstar stated her own reasons for doing so. She said that she would hate to come to terms with the accused. This is not the first instance where the “A Star Is Born” artist has talked about her mental issues. She has done so a couple of times. She has also opened up about taking medications to deal with her psychotic problems. And the reason for all of this is the trauma that she faced due to the sexual harassment.
Lady Gaga also revealed that she had still not healed in the year 2019. That was when her career was going great. She had won an Oscar for the movie, A Star Is Born. The artist was actually going through a lot mentally at that time.