Following a contentious hit piece on the actor, Martin Short has seen an outpour of support. Martin Short was said to be “devastatingly unfunny” in a Slate piece titled “Why We Keep Putting Up With Martin Short” that was published on Friday, September 8.
In the article, the author, Dan Kois, said: “Along the way to becoming a standout in sketch comedy, hesitant movie star, twice-failed podcast presenter, and exuberant dance and song guy, I’ve wrinkled my nostrils.” I wanted to scream at the television, “Why were you being this way?” every time he donned an absurd attire, said something outlandish, or mugs for the crowd. Social media is being flooded with messages decrying the piece as “misguided” and “nasty” due to Kois’s assertions having hit a nerve. Short has become the #1 trending subject on Twitter/X at the time of writing on Saturday, September 9th.
Martin Short: A Comedic Brilliance – Agrees The Entire Industry
Messages of solidarity for the actor are being widely shared along with videos of Martin Short from his time at SNL, his guest appearances in comedies like Arrested Development, Curb’re Enthusiasm, including Modern Family, along some of his interviews as well.
“[…] Short has been a comedic brilliance,” wrote Ben Stiller. “Period”,” with The Year Between actor J.S Cameron further adding: “The iconic Martin Short essay is loaded with footage or certain references to individuals who the writer strangely finds grating yet are so amusing that this article has been a valentine despite of itself. John Cusack chimed in, saying, “I’m not sure what the fuss is about with […] Short, however, my favorite of his boxing matches was with Mister Rogers.”