Matthew McConaughey, the American actor, revealed something new himself recently. He shared the news that he is seriously considering making his entrance into the world of politics. This took place in a podcast that he attended. The actor stated that he is thinking of running for the governor of the state of Texas.
Matthew McConaughey, Future Texas Governor?
Matthew McConaughey attended the podcast, The Balanced Voice. There, the Hollywood actor spoke about his plans for the future. He went on to talk about the things he wanted to go for, in his life. He also talked about his leadership qualities. He pointed out that he had some good leadership qualities. The “Dazed and Confused” actor revealed his willingness to pass on some leadership lessons he had.
Matthew McConaughey is not just an actor. He is also involved in the world of academics. He teaches at a university situated in Texas in the department of the film. As the podcast conversation proceeded, Rania Mankararious, the host, asked him about his plans for the world of politics. The 51-year-old actor was asked if he ever considered becoming the Texas governor someday. The reply he gave was that he did consider becoming one.
The Texas-based actor has revealed his interest in holding an important position in politics before. He had previously stated to a host of radio, Hugh Hewitt, that he would not hesitate to run for the governor. This statement came from him in the month of November. Matthew McConaughey added that his decision was not the ultimate one. It was up to the public to ultimately decide on that.
The statement that was given by the Hollywood actor with regard to politics, was not a direct one. He stated that he would strongly consider joining it only after it starts redefining its very existence.