The gateway of Megan Fox, the popular actor, and her current boyfriend, Machine Gun Kelly, was unforgettable for both of them. The 35-year-old “Jennifer’s Body” actress gave the details of her vacation with her beau in an interview on the platform of the American talk show, Jimmy Kimmel Live. She stated that they traveled all the way to Costa Rica in order to try ayahuasca. She said that it was done in a very appropriate setting that included the indigenous people as well. Megan Fox claimed that all of them were situated in a jungle. The interview took place this Monday. The show was hosted by the American actor, Arsenio Hall, who was the guest host.
Megan Fox On The Rituals
Ayahuasca is a plant that is used for medicinal purposes in carrying out rituals. It has hallucinating effects. Megan Fox stated that she was opinionated when it came to trying out. According to her, she thought it would be a glamorous experience but then, reality hit her hard. The “Till Death” artist mentioned everything that she had to go through. She stated that they were not allowed to have anything after 1. And in case anybody needed to drink water, they had to travel very far from where they were situated. Not only that but they were exempted from taking a shower due to the lack of water in the region.
Megan Fox reflected the fact that everything that they went through was a part of the learning. The main purpose behind everything was to present the people to a vulnerable situation in order to make them surrender to the entire experience. She also said that she was in the midst of 20 strangers while carrying out the activity of purging their bodies.