The chamber had an important discussion on Thursday which includes gun safety and reproductive health. Also Gender affirmative care. The legislative members were supposed to sign the bill and discuss the matter. The Oregon GOP leaders were missing.
This absence led to various conclusions obviously from the democratic party. They lack responsibility. How the GOP leaders have always been against abortion and gender equality. The country is having the most crucial time in history with abortion rights. The Republicans make sure every door is tightly closed for women who are seeking help.
Twenty-one members were needed to be there at the house but only eighteen showed up.
Oregon GOP Leaders Demanding Old Bills To Be Rephrased
Some demands in the house are not written in simple language. It sometimes gets difficult for the leaders as well as the public to comprehend.
However, some Oregan GOP leaders have responded to it with mockery. How people need to have a postgraduate degree to understand the bills completely.
They further demanded that all the bills must be redrafted. They all should return to the main legislative council. For rephrasing and improvised versions. They wanted to change reproductive and gender affirmation. These two fall under HB 2002.
The gun control measures come under HB 2005.
All the Oregon GOP leaders participated in a protest because they found the previously written bills are in difficult language.
The absence of those few GOP leaders led to criticism.
Democratic majority leader Kate Lieber has called them out. She asked them to do their job. And definitely not miss a crucial discussion whatsoever.
It is evident that everything is happening on purpose.