Biden Grants Presidential Pardons To 6 As He Rings In A New Year


The US president on Friday pardoned 6 people using one of the most unlimited powers the Constitution has bestowed upon him. Among the people granted pardons are an 80-year-old woman who killed her abusive and violent husband close to half a century ago and a decorated American vet who got involved in drug trafficking over a quarter of a century ago.

These individuals had volunteered to do community service and had helped in mentoring youths. This latest series of presidential pardons follow earlier pardons granted by Biden earlier in 2022 to inmates convicted for simple possession of marijuana.

A White House official speaking anonymously as head of the formal announcement said that the President of America believes that this nation is one that believes in granting a second chance. He said that offering meaningful rehabilitation and redemption opportunities will empower people who are incarcerated to turn into law-abiding and productive members of American society.

White House Officials Sid That The President Remained Committed To Giving A Second Change Through These Pardons

The official said that the president remained committed to giving a second chance to individuals who have demonstrated their intention to redeem and rehabilitate. He said that officials of both sides including law enforcement officials, faith leaders, and civil rights activists concur that the criminal justice system should grant pardons to such individuals.

The year-end pardon offered by President Biden to relatively unknown people is in stark contrast to the flurry of pardons granted by President Trump even as he had to be almost dragged out of the White House.

In a chaotic affair two years ago, the former president had granted and commuted sentences and granted pardons to 144 high-profile convicts that included politicians, entertainers, and mostly his allies. The oldest among the convicts granted pardon is 80-year-old Beverly Ann Ibn-Tamas who was convicted of murder for killing her abusive husband nearly 50 years ago.