Queen Consort Camilla Deemed ‘Dangerous’ By Prince Harry After Leaking Of Royal News To Media

Prince harry

Prince Harry in the publication of his memoir “Spare” sets ablaze with allegations against the internal workings of British Royals. In interviews with both British and U.S. channels, the Duke talked about the passing away of Princess Diana along with his anger against the mistreatment of his partner, Duchess Meghan resulting in a fallout with his family ever since the marriage.

Prince Harry’s Memoir ‘Spare’ Brings Light To New Conspiracies

Prince Harry also accused Queen Consort Camilla of spilling family stories to the media to recover her image in public. He also claims to be out of touch with both his brother and father. Further signs of reconciliation are yet to happen. Buckingham Palace refrains from indulging in any controversies arising from the memoir. CNN has requested an early copy from the publisher’s house.

Speaking with CBS, both the brothers said that they were opposed to the marriage of the King with Camilla but later came around as they wanted to see their father happy. However, Prince Harry further said that Camilla is deemed to be ‘dangerous’ and cast as a miscreant by the media. Camilla could be seen as a threat for her connection with both parties and willingness to trade any information to climb up the hierarchy chain.

Her way to Queen Consort led through multiple people left on the street. Explaining this further the Duke said if you think being at the front of the newspaper, or positive headlines and stories improve reputation or bring acceptance in the monarch you are bound to do everything at stake for that.