Raising Kanan is a part of the entire franchise of “Power.” It is an American crime drama series that is available on the online streaming platform, Hulu. The first episode of the first season is the beginning of the life story based on Kanna Stark, the main figure of the entire franchise. It introduces the viewers to a young man and the people who were all behind his successes, the people who helped him become what he was.
Raising Kanan Background
Much to the disappointment of most of the people, the contribution of Kanan to the entire story is something that cannot be ignored. The entire plot of Raising Kanan is a complete bifurcation from the imagination of the people. One of the most fascinating things about the show is that anybody can watch it irrespective of their lack of knowledge on the Power franchise. The episode displays the main character in his teenage years and the intelligence that he possesses. Viewers will also come to terms with his mother who happens to be extremely intelligent.
It is a known fact that Kanan gets into the entire drug dealing thing. But Raising Kanan reveals the person who is behind all of this. And that is Tommy and Ghost. The role of Kanan’s mother, Raq Thomas is played by Patina Miller, the American actress. She is also one of the very powerful players in the drug dealing system. She is a very respectful woman who has earned it. Raising Kanan reveals that everything that Raq Thomas does, is just to support the life of her and her son. She works with Lou-Lou and Marvin, two of her brothers. They are loyal to the family irrespective of their different perspectives.